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StickySecond contract trading platform2024-07-13 22:02:20
BitFlyer acquires FTX Japan, plans to launch crypto ETFs
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Germany already lost out on $124M profit selling its Bitcoin
Market News2024-07-22 16:45:53
Bitcoin traders eye bear trap as BTC price hits 10-day high of $60.4K
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Will the next crypto bull run be dominated by L1s, L2s or something else?
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Why is XRP price up today?
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Why is Bitcoin price up today?
Bitcoin's price gains today appear amid...
Market analysis2024-07-01 17:52:08
Bitcoin miners could lose $10B in revenue post-halving
Post-halving, breakeven Bitcoin mining p...
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Post-halving profitability challenges to the mining industry
Securing funding for the new generation...
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